The english department guidelines


Language is fundamental to learning, thinking, communicating, and it permeates the entire curriculum. Learning a language promotes international mindedness. Our graduates are well prepared for professional and graduate study and for lifelong learning.


The overall mission of the department is to promote literacy-specifically the ability to read, write, and think critically. Literate individuals can gather, analyze, and communicate information effectively, as well as think creatively and draw independent conclusions-skills that are the cornerstone of future careers.

English Department Team

Coordinatrice: Mme Sossy MANOUKIAN

Coordinatrice et Enseignante 1ère – Tle: Mme Claire ELKHOURY


  • 1ère – Tle: Mme Nadine LTEIF
  • 2nde – 3ème: Mme Elyse RACHAH
  • 4ème: Mme Elyse RACHAH et Mme Nisrine BACHAALANY
  • 5ème: Mme Nisrine BACHAALANY et Mme Dina ASFOUR
  • 6ème: Mme Dina ASFOUR
  • CM2: Mme Aline KMEID
  • CM1: Mme Aline KMEID et Mme Mirna STEINWAY
  • CE2: Mme Aline KMEID et Mme Mirna STEINWAY
  • CE1: Mme Aline KMEID et Mme Mirna STEINWAY
  • CP: Mme Mirna STEINWAY

Sossy Manoukian: English Language Coordinator



Nadine Lteif

Grades 12 and 11(BL)

Elyse Rachah

Grades 10,9,8,

Nisrine Bachaalany

Grades 8,7

Dina Asfour

Grades 7,6,5

Aline Kmeid

Grades 5,4,2,1

Mirna Shteiwy

Grades 3,2,1

Hourly Distribution of The Classes

Grade 12:2 Hours/week

Grade 11: 2 Hours/week

Grade 10: 3 Hours/week

Grade 9 :2 Hours/week

Grade 8 :3 Hours/week

Grade 7 : 3 Hours/week

Grade 6 : 3 Hours/week

Grade 5 : 3 Hours/week

Grade 4 : 3Hours/week

Grade 3 : 2 Hours/week

Grade 2: 2 Hours/week

Grade 1: 2 Hours/week